The prototype allows you to login to all the streaming platforms that you are subscribed to, Super Like, Like, or Dislike the movies.

Have your own personal movie library.
Rainbowr stores and sorts all of your movies by category, letting you share it with your friends and family. The feature to remove movies from the list is also included. Easily pick a movie you and your friends haven't seen or use to compare favorite movies in common.
Super Like — Favorites
Like — Movies I want to watch

Rainbowr has more than 120 animated prototype screens including dark mode.
The idea behind dark mode is that it reduces the light emitted by device screens while maintaining the minimum color contrast ratios required for readability.
The app was design to store all of your streaming subscriptions to make it easy for you to sort your favorites, showing only the movies available on each platform.

The Problem
Wasting too much time trying to scroll through streaming services to find a movie you all haven't seen.
The Idea
Why not create an app that would allow you to filter movies like on Tinder and share & compare movies you want to see with your friends?
The Solution
Design an app that allows you to sort through all the different streaming services and compare which movies you haven't seen.
The Benefits
Save that precious time scrolling 30 minutes on your stream service just to choose a movie or a series to watch.

Here is the prototype I made in Adobe XD.
It is fully interactive.
Play with it!